Each Missing Week Of Pregnancy Increases The Risk Of Infant Death. Part 3 of 3

Each Missing Week Of Pregnancy Increases The Risk Of Infant Death – Part 3 of 3

So “Our results indicate that intervention programs are needed for this high-risk group, as is additional on to understand why non-Hispanic black infants are less likely than other groups to live to celebrate their first birthday”. Preterm birth is defined as birth occurring at less than 37 weeks of gestation, the March of Dimes noted mzansi whatsapp female sex addicts.

However, stopping offhand of 40 weeks is still less than ideal, the group added. While delivery earlier than 39 to 40 weeks is off and on medically necessary, the March of Dimes stresses that early elective delivery can be harmful to a baby “and should never be scheduled before 39 or 40 weeks of pregnancy”.

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